Making IT Happen, So You Don't Have To.

When it comes to IT consulting, we're like the pizza delivery of the digital world: Fast, reliable, and always a hit at parties.

Who We Are

Who Are We? The Heroes Behind The Screens!

We're a team of tech savvies, code whisperers, and just all-around awesome human beings (and maybe one or two aliens, but who's counting?). Our mission? To transform your IT challenges into triumphant tales of success.

Our Values

Impeccably hilarious and heartfelt impacts!

Authentic Absurdity

Life is too short for generic content or boring brands. We embrace the unexpected, the weird, and the wonderful, ensuring every product, ad, and interaction is uniquely memorable.

Responsible Rebellion

We challenge the status quo and aren't afraid to be different. But we do so responsibly, ensuring our humor and actions don't harm but uplift. We remember our power to influence and strive to use it for good.

Constant Evolution

Just like a good superhero, we never stand still. We're always looking for the next challenge, the next innovation, or the next joke to crack. Change is inevitable, so we ride the wave rather than getting pulled under.

Happy Clients


Hours Of Support

Hard Workers


Here's what we are mostly good with

IT Strategy Development

Planning for world domination? Or maybe just a business upgrade? We've got you.

Infrastructure Analysis

Ensuring your tech backbone is stronger than Deadpool's wit.

Cloud Solutions

Like storing your stuff in a big, fluffy digital cloud. Rainproof. Guaranteed.


Keeping the bad guys out, so you can keep being awesome inside.

Managed IT Services

Consider us your IT babysitters. We watch over things, so you don't have to.

Tech Support

We don't like it, but we'are damn good at it. So, we'll help you with your tech issues, even if it's not our fault.


Our hard working team

Régis Tremblay Lefrançois

When Bill Gates said, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.", he was talking about me. I WILL find the ultimate easiest way to do pretty much anything. It's my superpower.


Contact Us


11 rue Albanel,
Lévis, QC

Call Us

+1 418 573-5218

Email Us

Open Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 04:00PM